Pow Magazine

The First Amendment of U.S. Constitution

The Declaration of Neutrality—Internet Freedom as a Constitutional Right
The Declaration of Neutrality—Internet Freedom as a Constitutional Right

The First Amendment of U.S. Constitution.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

It is so important to understand the gravity of Net Neutrality. I have been using the Internet since 1987, the year Pow Magazine took responsibility to help educate the public about Art Censorship through a series of music concerts through the media. We just celebrated that moment in Bay Area local music history. Today, by default, censorship will hit our press and our political action on the web. What we express, what we take for granted when posting online, will be much harder to find with a simple search. We’ll pay a price figuratively and politically if Net Neutrality is repealed. Now is the time to contact our local political representatives. This is a constitutional crisis.

Justin Baker, Top Writer in Tech & Design at Medium — Leading platform design at Auction.com, makes it a very clear what we will lose if Net Neutrality is repealed. Please take the time to read his article (8 minutes).

Thank you

Happy Holidays

Dennis Gonzales
Founder of Pow Magazine


Originally published at hackernoon.com