The POW crew visited the legionary San Francisco music venue, Bottom of The Hill in the Potrero Hill district on the 26th of March to see one of the best bands from San Francisco and Italy. We interviewed New Candys (Venice, Italy), Milk The Angry and The Spiral Electric (San Francisco, California) with video footage of great heavy psych and garage rock music of the ages. Enjoy our psychedelic excursions with the bands through sight and sound with Pow Magazine. Video Photography by Dennis Gonzales and Film Photography by Carolina Torres for Pow Magazine, March 26, 2019.
New Week, New Release: Shana Cleveland’s “Night of The Worm Moon”
When I was a teenager, much to my parents’ chagrin, I painted my bedroom walls black. To contrast the blackness, I strung up Christmas lights around the room and installed a rainbow colored ceiling fan- each of it’s blades was a different color. I discovered that while the colors of the spinning blades were indistinguishable when the fan was on, by turning on a mini strobe light, each strobe flash would freeze an individual blade color, creating a really groovy effect. I spent many of my nights stoned, laying on my floor and listening to music while staring up at the stroboscopic rainbow spinning above me. Shana Cleveland’s sophomore solo…
Pow Magazine’s 8th Anniversary – April 15, 2011~April 15, 2019
Though POW Magazine’s full history goes back several decades, its online presence began in 2011 after Editor In Chief/founder Dennis Gonzales’ “POW Magazine Anthology”, a radio documentary on KFJC 89.7FM about the original fanzine, sparked a renewed interest and excitement in POW and in the bay area music scene. Dennis was inspired to give POW new life, creating a website and social media presence for a new, modernized POW magazine on April 15th, 2011. POW’s new manifestation aspired to become a collective and brand committed to bringing the local and global music and art scenes to the attention of those unaware. POW focused mainly on the music scene within the…
2019 Conscious Life Expo
Dennis Gonzales and Grace Dunn from The TMA-1 Project revisit 2019 Conscious Life Expo for the fifth year for Pow Magazine. They spent two days at the expo interviewing exhibitors, recording live music, and attending workshops. Conscious Life Expo Conference and Exposition initiates a conscious co-creation for a new world, a world based on new paradigms in science, spirituality, longevity, local and global community, relationships, health, and well-being. Pow Magazine has always reached out to the fringes of art, music, and ideas. Conscious Life Expo is an extension of Pow’s philosophy and we’ve interviewed people from the conference for many years to bring you different ideas, and answers beyond our…