Pow Magazine

Press Release: The Seven Year Anniversary of POW

“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” ― John C. Maxwell



Today is our seventh anniversary of Pow Magazine. I have an amazing announcement to share to our long-time readers, and friends. As of the 16th of April, our music reviewer of two-years, Sheena Salazar is the Editorial Manager of POW magazine. My decision to pass the baton to the next manager has been a yearlong personal process for me. I’ve taken POW as far as I can, but I cannot expand POW as far as I want. It has been a long personal desire to expand the online magazine beyond written interviews and video journalism. I cannot do this alone and I cannot expand POW alone. I feel it is the right time step down and let someone else take on POW magazine with our current writers and photographers. Sheena has been my main candidate long before I asked her to take over the publishing sector of POW because I feel there is no one I am aware of that has the same passion, focus, desire, loyalty and love of music and POW. Sheena will continue to practice our core principle values of video journalism and publishing what I started years ago to support local music, discovering new music, art and political social events. I want to make sure POW reach our ten-year anniversary in three years to keep the content fresh while I expand Pow Presents. And I know Sheena will take us there. My role is to expand our promotions, work with the media, business partners, investors, the music/art community and political organizations. We’ll continue to travel throughout the West Coast and other countries discovering new business partners, and music. I am very excited (and relieved) Sheena is going to take on POW magazine. We have been spending a lot of time together going over details for the future of POW and we discovered we like working together. It is a perfect partnership. The transition has already begun a few weeks ago to work out our responsibilities and roles. I will remain as co-editor as long as it takes for a smooth transition.


Promoter, Dennis Gonzales // Editorial Manager, Sheena Salazar
Promoter, Dennis Gonzales // Editorial Manager, Sheena Salazar


My decision is a smart move at this stage and the right time for me to step down. This is how we will expand the franchise: POW will be the parent company with subsidiaries (Pow Magazine, Pow Presents, The TMA-1 Project and other projects in the works) and their services: photography, graphic designer, music editor, video photographer, editors and journalists. Co-partnership with Sheena opens doors for new possibilities and we will be looking for people to join us. I want to thank my friends, family, staff (former members) and the bands for supporting POW and me for the last seven years. I never shy away from change and I never believe you can’t do anything to make dreams for others. That was my payback in this business, to make dreams for others. Please congratulate Sheena because she earned it.
Dennis Gonzales
Founder of POW
2011 ~ 2018
