• Audio Music,  Music Reviews

    Helicon-“Helicon”(Self Titled)

    And like an ancient painting the sun peaks through the high aired fog. We collectively stare off into the culmination of work no one ever had any intention of admiration. Each one of us must follow a path. Whether it be by our decision or another we follow. The idea that we’re in front is false. Helicon takes on the dark abyss of nothingness with their self titled debut. Droning guitars with almost take on a wave like nature pummeled into your psyche masquerade themselves until they permeate your existence. Beginning with “Devil On Your Tongue” I notice each one of their instruments perfectly falls into your head until its…

  • Pow Magazine

    Melt Downer- S/T

    Have you ever been in a shopping cart? Drunk on cheap vodka. Sitting with a rope attached to a van that has no earthly business going over 40 miles an hour. You have a football helmet on and no other form of protection and you begin to realize your grip is the only thing keeping you from a life ending accident. That memory flooded back to me as soon as I listened to this album. Melt Downer is an Austrian based noisecore trio based in Austria. They’re comprised of Wolfgang Mostl on guitars and vocals, Mario Zangl on vocals and bass, and Florian Giessauf on drums. The guitars are pure…