The New Earth Farmers “Into the Great Unknown” The New Earth Farmers “Into the Great Unknown” POW Magazine is proud to premiere the new music video from The New Earth Farmers. “Into the Great Unknown” is the title track from the latest EP released in April 2021. The song features classic folk rock with silky smooth production and catchy songwriting. Their charming sound is constructed around 12 string electric guitar, acoustic strumming and an electric slide guitar for a full bodied tone. The vocals by Paul Knowles and Nicole Storto are soothing and use tight harmonies and melodies that draw on their 70s folk rock inspirations. “Into The Great Unknown”…
New Release: Moral High Horses
Here’s a Halloween treat for all you trick or treaters- San Francisco’s own Moral High Horses released their debut EP this month. Released October 13th, the 4 track EP is an outstanding debut, brimming with Beatle-esque psych pop that keeps a decidedly modern edge. These don’t sound like the songs of a band’s first release- each track is beautifully written and thoroughly constructed. According to a recent post to the band’s facebook page, “We’ve been holed up for nearly a year recording this EP going through bouts of frustration and depression, moving mics inch by inch chancing better sounds, working with limited resources and equipment, breaking said resources and equipment…