Release Date: July 20, 2020 Press Release: POW LS1 Exactly four-months ago today, Pow Presents started to promote their second live music event for The San Francisco Great Society, but postponed the event one month later due to the pandemic. Like so many other shows in the Bay Area and across the nation, live music at venues and music festivals were either postponed or cancelled. We knew that we had to continue to promote music during the pandemic, but safely and creatively. Our first LIVE STREAM was the solution. On the 11th of September, Pow Presents and Homietofu Entertainment will be joining forces once again, but this time broadcasting live streaming…
POW MUSIC VIDEO PREMIER: HIGH TATRAS “ALL LOVE” with Annie Hardy of GIANT DRAG on backing vocals.
HIGH TATRAS“ALL LOVE”withAnnie Hardy of GIANT DRAG on backing vocals. Shot and edited by Matt Robeson Martin of White Light Prismadditional footage shot by DomZilla Recorded/mixed at Valley Recording Co. in Burbank, CAwith Joe CardamoneMastered by Howie Weinberg HIGH TATRAS