• revolver
    Pow Magazine

    r-Evolve-r: Beatles Release Special Edition — The POW Magazine Review

    With heavy doses of psychedelia, chamber-pop, and hindustani sensibilities, Revolver employs the full capabilities of four individual artists and the endless possibilities of Abbey Road Studio's modern multi-track facility. Under the capable direction of producer and the senior Martin, Revolver pushes the edge of western pop melody towards the Beatles' bigger-than-Jesus trajectory. In 1966, sound and culture were rapidly changing, and Revolver remains the score.

  • Music Reviews,  Pow Magazine

    “The Ashes” Inspire: Alex E.T.

    August 29, 2021. Los Angeles, CA The gentle jangle announces the entry of the Renaissance Parlor. There are no casual shoppers at Coventry Village’s Renaissance Parlor – only the coolly serious in search of pristine paisley, faded denim, and worn leather. Tidy displays of autographed records and rock fliers complete the space as the Velvets drift off into the ether of the aging building’ steam-heat. There, behind the glass displays of bakelite bangles and beads, sits teenage Alex Tapié, taking it all in, brewing her future psych rock opus. That’s Alex E.T. To me, Alex E.T. will always be the impossibly kind retail associate chopping up the register in the…

  • Pow Magazine

    Rose City Band: Earth Change Country Trip

    July 5, 2021. Cleveland. In the vacuum of COVID space, Rose City Band formed “Earth Trip”, an eight-song paean to the restorative power of our planet. With hushed reflectivity and quiet celebration, “Earth Trip” bears the country-fried taste of pedal steel and harmonic mandolin. The theme of “Earth Trip” is simple: Connect to the rhythms of nature.  The music of Ripley Johnson, Rose City Band is the latest project of artists spinning in the Oregonian Moon Duo and Wooden Shjips orbit. Rose City is accompanied by geologist and pedal steel guitarist, Barry Walker. Moon Duo’s Sanae Yamada skillfully lifts the piano and keys. Rose City is complete with Ryan Jewel…

  • Joel Gion
    Pow Magazine,  Videos


    Like many of our staff, I have been a fan of Joel Gion and the Brian Jonestown Massacre (BJM) for many, many years. Seven years ago, I saw Joel play live without the BJM for the first time. He was performing as Joel Gion and The Primary Colours. The band performed in my hometown of San Jose, California at a local venue. It was a groovy night, in an intimate open space with bar and dining. I recall The Primary Colours were tight – flowing with jangly pop sounds and melodic psych vibes. I was digging Joel’s new music, and I asked him after the show, “How long had his…

  • Joël Gion
    Pow Magazine

    Joel Gion: The POW Interview

    Anton's songwriting that longevity-wise, we are starting to (gulp) become the Rolling Stones of indie psych rock or something. The big difference is, at this point in the Stones career they were turding out Voodoo Lounge, where as Anton is right now today at a creative spike.